
Running through the land of the Wurundjeri people, the headwaters of Merri Creek rise in rural landscapes then meander through Melbourne’s rapidly developing residential and industrial corridors. It passes through valuable remnants, including the critically endangered Grasslands (we have less than 2% left) Galgi Ngarrk and Bababi Djinanang. I trust you are […]

Merri Fungi

The ‘Space Alien Fungus’ as it is sometimes described is the Anemone Stinkhorn (Aseroe rubra), other common names include sea anemone fungus and starfish fungus. It was the first Australian native fungus formally named. Collected from southern Tasmanian during the La Pérouse expedition by the French Botanist Labillardière in 1792 and described in 1800. Stinkhorns are […]

Aseroe rubra