
Most Australian indigenous fungi still need to be named and our understanding of the biology including distributions and associations with other species needs active work. The first step is to just start recording digital records of fungi that you see around using iNaturalist. Research grade observations go into the Atlas […]

Collecting fungi to build our knowledge

Running through the land of the Wurundjeri people, the headwaters of Merri Creek rise in rural landscapes then meander through Melbourne’s rapidly developing residential and industrial corridors. It passes through valuable remnants, including the critically endangered Grasslands (we have less than 2% left) Galgi Ngarrk and Bababi Djinanang. I trust you are […]

Merri Fungi

So we have been back from a fabulous couple of weeks in Northern Queensland for a couple of weeks now. Cooler here in Melbourne but the warm glow of our time with lovely enthusiastic locals still lingers. The first pocket guide for the Australian Tropics was launched in style by […]

Tropical Fun Too