
Publication list

Most of these are sold in our shop below.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Syme K, Hart R 2024 Mushrooms and other Fungi of south west Western Australia. Fun Fungi Ecology, Maroochydore.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Martz Zafra, 2023 Mushroom Magic. Smith Street Books. ISBN: 9781923049017

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Guard FE, Barrett, MD 2024 Australian Tropical Mushrooms & other Fungi. Fun Fungi Ecology, Maroochydore.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Guard FE 2024 Fungi of southeast Queensland. Fun Fungi Ecology, Maroochydore.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Guard FE 2024 Mushrooms of southeast Queensland. Fun Fungi Ecology, Maroochydore.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Leonard PL, Guard FE 2023. Australian Subtropical Fungi: revised edition. Fun Fungi Ecology, Maroochydore. ISBN: 9780646877068

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Martz Zafra, 2023 Deck of Mushrooms. Smith Street Gift. ISBN: 9781922754332.


Updates for publicationsCover of revised edition of Australian Subtropical Fungi


Australian Subtropical Fungi April 2023

The following list of updated names reflects our increasing knowledge of Australian fungi since ASF was published in 2014, especially through the contribution of DNA studies. Undoubtedly, other changes will occur in the future. We thank Dr Matthew Barrett for contributing to the discussions, we have tended to take a conservative approach to name changes


P.30 Cantharellus viscosus -> Cantharellus sp.

P.38 Cyptrotrama aspratum -> Cyptotrama asprata

P.39 Cyptotrama sp. -> Tricholomopsis sp.

P.42 Favolaschia calocera no change

P.45 Humidicutis lewellinae -> Porpolomopsis lewellinae

P.49 Inocybe australiense -> Inocybe sp

P.52 Lactarius aff. glaucescens -> Lactifluus lactiglaucus (incorrectly called Lactarius in Index)

P.53 Lactarius clarkeae -> Lactifluus sp. ‘radially wrinkled’

P.55 Lactarius subclarkeae -> Lactifluus clarkeae

P.57 Lentinus sajor-caju could -> Polyporus sajor-caju no change

P.65 Mycena viscidocruenta -> Cruentomycena viscidocruenta

P.69 Panellus pusillus -> Panellus luxfilamentus

P.85 Gyroporus aff. cyanescens -> Gyroporus furvescens

P.86 Gyroporus caespitosus -> ‘Gyroporus’ caespitosus

P.91 Lenzites betulina -> Lenzites aff. betulina

P.92 Amauroderma rude -> Sanguinoderma aff rude

P.93 Fomitopsis feei no change

P.94 Fomitopsis lilacinogilva no change

P.95 Ganoderma australe -> Ganoderma australe complex

P.96 Ganoderma chalceum -> Ganoderma mastoporum

P.97 Ganoderma steyaertanum -> Ganoderma steyaertianum

P.98 Gloeophyllum abietinum -> Gloeophyllum sp.

P.91, 107 Polyporus arcularius -> Lentinus arcularius

P. 106. Piptoporus australiensis no change

P.101 Laetiporus aff cremeiporus -> Laetiporus versisporus

P.102 Lenzites acuta -> Trametes warnieri

P.108 Pycnoporus coccineus no change

P.110 Trametes modesta -> Trullella sp.

P.115 Stereum ostrea no change

P.119 Phallus rubicundus -> Phallus rugulosus

P.126 Lycoperdon pyriforme -> Lycoperdon aff. pyriforme

P.129-131 Geastrum triplex, G. saccatum, G. velutinum -> Geastrums all aff. for now

P.134 Auricularia auricula-judae -> Auricularia aff. fibrillifera

P.136 Auricularia delicata -> Auricularia delicata no change

P.137 Auricularia mesenterica -> Auricularia pusio

PP.138 & 140 Hericium coralloides -> Hericium novae-zealandiae

Species published

Austroboletus yourkae F.E. Guard, McMull.-Fish., Van Wyk, T. Lebel & Halling, Persoonia 47: 277 (2021) [MB#839206]

Crepidotus innuopurpureus McMull.-Fish., T. Lebel & Senn-Irlet, Persoonia 47: 293 (2021) [MB#840921]

Pisolithus croceorrhizus P. Leonard & McMullan-Fisher, Australasian Mycologist 31: 27 (2013) [MB#802885]


Conservation publications

McMullan-Fisher, SJM, Corro, E, & Fielder, JC 2024 Integrating fungi into biodiversity research & monitoring to improve conservation, restoration & resilience outcomes at Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve. Fun Fungi Ecology Report to Sunshine Coast Council, Merlynston.

Stephenson, P.J., Londoño-Murcia, M.C., Borges, P.A., Claassens, L., Frisch-Nwakanma, H., Ling, N., McMullan-Fisher, S., Meeuwig, J.J., Unter, K.M.M., Walls, J.L., 2022. Measuring the impact of conservation: the growing importance of monitoring fauna, flora and funga. Diversity 14, 824.

May TW, McMullan-Fisher SJM 2016 Holding on to Tea-tree fingers: a critically endangered fungus. Australasian Plant Conservation 25 (3)

Parkyn J, Challisthianagara A, Brooks L, Specht A, McMullan-Fisher S, Newell D (2015) The natural diet of the endangered camaenid land snail Thersites mitchellae(Cox, 1864) in northern New South Wales, Australia. Australian Zoologist 37(3), 343-349

Pouliot, AM, May, T, McMullan-Fisher, S, Buchanan, P, Allison, L, Packer, J 2014 It’s time for a global strategy for plant and fungus conservation. Australasian Plant Conservation. 22 (4), 22-23.

May TW, McMullan-Fisher SJM 2012 Don’t be afraid of the F-word: prospects for integrating fungi into biodiversity monitoring. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 124, 79-90.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, May TW, Robinson RM, Bell TL, Lebel T, Catcheside P, York A 2011 Fungi and fire in Australian ecosystems: a review of current knowledge, management implications and future directions. Australian Journal of Botany 59, 70-90.

McMullan-Fisher SJM, Kirkpatrick JB, May TW, Pharo EJ 2010 Surrogates for macrofungi and mosses in reservation planning. Conservation Biology 24, 730-736.